Nanziwe Mzuzu's profile

Veganuary Radio Script

20’ Radio Ad Script (Veganuary)

[Opening jingle]
Narrator: Get ready for a taste experience like no other! Close your eyes and imagine sinking your teeth into juicy, tender cuts, layered with creamy, melting cheese. Let your taste buds embark on a tantalizing journey. A symphony of flavours dancing on your palate. In the heart of this dish, plump, tender mushrooms and lentils, they simmer in unison, soaking up the essences of vibrant peppers and tomatoes creating a tapestry of taste. Fragrant garlic and aromatic onions, they sauté in harmony, releasing their essence, building a foundation of depth. Cumin, paprika, and chili flakes, their fiery whispers add a thrilling kick, awakening your senses with each fiery bite. Parmesan, a sprinkle of heaven, melds with the sauce, a creamy crescendo to this culinary symphony. And as you twirl that first perfect bite, you'll taste the magic — a masterpiece of flavour and heart.
[Background sizzling sounds]
Narrator: If that got your taste buds dancing and watering, what if we told you that that is our 100% vegan Kaama Frozen Bucatini Chilli Bolognese meal. Oh yum! Celebrate Veganuary month with us.

[Upbeat music fades in]
Narrator: Get it on shelf or delivered.

[Closing jingle]

Veganuary Radio Script


Veganuary Radio Script


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